Let's Celebrate Pi Day and Pizza!

One of my favorite things (besides pizza) is traveling and I absolutely love trying new foods and local cuisine when I visit a new place..

This year I had the privilege of traveling to Argentina- and the food was a treat! From the  classics Alfajores & Empanadas to innovative and new restaurants where I tried some foods that were new to me. I also got to try a Pizza that was new to me; an Argentine Pizza made in a deep dish style.

A few months after my return  I was thrilled when one of our team members got the opportunity to take a Pizza Pac into Boca Argentine restaurant in Seattle. Boca (and its owner Andrea Casas-Beaux) not only make fabulous Pizza in their Capitol Hill bakery, they also cooked a pizza IN the Pizza Pac in their pizza oven.

So we got an Argentine style Pizza, cooked to perfection, to carry home- no sweat

Here are some pics of our visit to Boca Argentine and if you keep scrolling, you’ll find a recipe you can make in your Pizza Pac.

Happy Pi day, and whatever you're up to today- we hope it’s delicious!

x Your Pizza Pals

Fugazetta Pizza recipe


Fugazetta Pizza recipe 〰️

Make that dough!

  • Water | 1 ½ cups

  • Yeast | 1 ½ Tbsp

  • Flour | 4 cups

  • Salt | ½ Tbsp

  • Olive Oil | 2 ½ Tbsp

  • Extra Flour | as needed( about ¼ cup)

    Mix together water and yeast. Cover, and set aside. 

    In a large bowl, mix the flour and salt together. Pour the yeast and water in the middle. Incorporate all the ingredients together, first mixing with a spoon and then kneading with your hands. Add extra flour as needed. Cover the dough, and let rise on your counter for 2 hours.

    This recipe makes enough dough for  4 Pac Pizzas, you’ll have some for later and it will keep in the fridge for about a week.

    Knead the dough on a floured surface and divide into four equal balls of dough. Press the balls of dough out onto your pizza pacs that have been rubbed with a little oil. Press the dough flat onto the bottom of your Pac.

Don’t forget the toppings!

  • 1-2 White Onions | sliced & caramelized

  • Mozzarella | 4 cups

  • Olive Oil Drizzle

  • Oregano & Black Pepper to taste

Bake in the oven at 375  for about 25 minutes, or until the edges begin to brown and the cheese melts.

If you make this send us your photos, or #PizzaPacMakes on Instagram!